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发布时间:2009-12-17   点击:   来源:   录入者:晶莹

  Arnold just didn't know what to think. There he was at the first North American Elementary School Reading Championship. But somehow he didn't feel like a North American reading champion. He felt very much like an ordinary fourth grader on an ordinary field trip to an ordinary big city.After all, reading is not exactly an Olympic sportGucci shoes Evisu jeans whipping cream cheap shoes nike sneakers. It's not as if people train all year round to become world champion readers.As he picked up his cafeteria tray , Arnold couldn't help but think about what would be the best lunch-time eating strategy..Should he go for a high-energy lunch, with heaping servings of meat and vegetables? Or would he be better off eating a light lunch, so that he wouldn't feel too drowsy in the afternoon competition? One thing you don't need in a reading competition is to feel drowsy..
  Still, it was just a little bit exciting to be in a reading competition. What could the other kids in the competition be thinking at this time? Were they as scared about the competition as he was himself? Was cheap dofus kamas dofus power leveling ffxi power leveling final fantasy xi gil ffxi power leveling it normal to get the jitters before this type of competition ? Arnold's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he heard someone yell out his name. "Hey, Arnold! Are you daydreaming again? You've got to start warming up. The quarter-finals are scheduled to begin at eleven o'clock this morning.".
  "Warm up? Warm up? How are you ever supposed to warm up for a reading competition?" Arnold said to himself. "Breeze through a couple of short stories, perhaps. Run through a couple of short Mp3 players spy camera Crystal trophy Crystal paperweight Lithium Battery poems?" Ridiculous. Ridiculous. A reading competition is simply ridiculous..So without even putting on any sweat pants, or stretching any muscles, Arnold strolled over to the center of the auditorium to find out which desk was the one he was assigned to..
  Desk A17. It could have been worse. Desk G39 was right beside the back door, and there was sure to be a cold draft blowing from that back door. One thing you don't need in a reading competition is a cold draft blowing nike dunk air jordans prada shoes designer handbags free shipping across your desk..So everything looked set for the quarter finals. Arnold breezed through the reading passage. The reading passage was all about the Eiffel Tower..Piece of cake. Easy as pie. The questions at the end were easy too. The results would be posted after lunch, so Arnold had some time to relax for a while before the real competition. As he strolled over to the cafeteria, he noticed that his stride was just a little bouncier than when he first walked into the auditorium. Maybe this reading competition wasn't such a ridiculous thing after all..
  This time he was far less nervous than he was before the morning competition. He sat down again at desk A17 and took out his five pencils. He needed five pencils just in case four of them broke their points all at the same designer sunglasses running shoes wow power leveling wow powerleveling Coach Purses time. Or just in case a giant tidal wave came crashing through the auditorium, carrying away four pencils at once..Arnold snickered to himself. Sometimes his imagination was just a little on the wild side. So then he opened up the reading competition booklet and started right in on the reading passage. This time the reading passage was all about the history of basketball. Arnold perked up a bit. Basketball was one of his favorite sports..
  Arnold found the reading to be pretty easy, so he whizzed right through it, and slam dunked all six of the questions at the end. By this time Arnold just knew that he was going to make it to the finals of the North Coach Handbags designer sunglasses cheap coach handbag Lithium Polymer fuel filter American Elementary School Reading Championship. Only those children who got a perfect score on the semi-finals could go on to the finals. Arnold knew that he had gotten every single question right. He just knew it..
  The names of all the semi-final winners were going to be listed on a bulletin board near the front of the auditorium. Arnold waited right beside the bulletin board, pacing back and forth vacuum sealer christian louboutin power Tools NIKE SHOX NIKE DUNKs with his hands deep down in his pockets..When the judges came out with the list of finalists, Arnold felt his heart skip a beat. Earlier that same day he hadn't cared too much about making it to the finals. But now he really wanted to compete with the very best of the readers at the competition..
  The list of finalists was then posted on the bulletin board. Arnold spotted his name in less than one second. Twenty other children were also on the list of finalists. The big moment of the day was less than twenty minutes away. Arnold decided to take another quick walk outdoors. He needed some fresh air to get rid of all the nervous energy that was Air force one buy dofus kamas Air force one dofus kamas tiffany necklace flowing through his body..For the third time in one day, Arnold sat down at desk A17 and carefully arranged his five pencils. The judges handed out the booklets. The booklets were placed upside down on the desks..
  You were not supposed to turn them over until one of the judges said, "You may now begin." Arnold looked up at the clock on the wall. The hands on the clock seemed to move so slowly. Finally the judges tiffany jewelry tiffany jewellery tiffany ring cnc router scratch card finished handing out all the booklets. Then one of the judges said, "You may now begin.".Arnold flipped over his booklet in a flash. He immediately started racing through the first paragraph. The finalists had only twenty minutes to do all the reading and answer all the questions. And since he needed at least five minutes to do all the questions, that means he would have only fifteen short minutes to do all the reading..
  The reading passage for the finals of the competition was all about a ping pong ball floating down the Nile river. Arnold couldn't help but smirk at the topic. A story about a ping pong ball floating down the longest river in the world is a pretty silly topic for a reading championship. It's almost as silly as the knight online power leveling fleece jacket Cheap wedding dresses office staples everquest 2 platinum image of a giant tidal wave crashing through the auditorium, carrying away four pencils at once..With one minute left on the clock, Arnold finished the last of the six questions. He then looked around to see how many of the other children had finished. About two thirds of the finalists had already put down their pencils. The results of the finals were posted one hour later. To win the finals you had to answer every single one of the questions correctly. It didn't take long for Arnold to notice three names on the top of the page..

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